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5 Lifestyle Changes That Support Optimal Post-Menopausal Health

Many women dread hitting menopause, as it changes many aspects of their lives, including weight and sex drive. And the changes leading up to menopause — a period known as perimenopause — can last for years until your period stops for good.

The hormonal changes related to menopause can significantly affect your physical and mental health. Taking the steps to stay on top of your health can substantially change the outcomes related to menopause.

Dr. John Paul Roberts is an experienced OB/GYN in Plano, Texas, who can help you stay healthy in all stages of life, including perimenopause and after you reach menopause.

Understanding menopause

During puberty, every girl with a uterus gets a period, which signals you're able to get pregnant. A period comes every month, indicating that you're not pregnant.

When your childbearing years are coming to an end, you begin the next phase in your life, which is known as perimenopause. During this time, your body begins to make hormonal changes that eventually stop your periods, making it nearly impossible to get pregnant.

Perimenopause usually lasts up to 10 years until you finally reach menopause, which is defined as the time when you've gone 12 consecutive months without a menstrual cycle.

Perimenopause and menopause are natural stages in a woman's life but aren't something most women look forward to, primarily because of the drastic hormonal changes that the body goes through.

Estrogen and progesterone change rapidly during menopause, often leading to both physical and mental symptoms.

Symptoms related to menopause

The hormonal changes that happen during perimenopause and menopause often trigger uncomfortable symptoms. These symptoms affect not only your physical health but your mental health as well.

Some of the most significant changes you may experience during the transition into menopause are those that affect your period. You may go months without a period only to get it again but with exceptionally heavy bleeding.

Irregular bleeding is a common sign that you're entering menopause. Other symptoms related to this stage in life include:

The severity of menopausal symptoms varies from woman to woman. Some women can treat their symptoms with home remedies and lifestyle changes. Others require hormone replacement therapy and other professional treatments.

Lifestyle changes to support your health

Staying healthy throughout menopause isn't always easy, but it’s essential for your physical and mental well-being. The hormonal changes your body goes through make you more likely to suffer from osteoporosis and other medical problems.

But you can make lifestyle changes to ensure you stay healthy throughout the menopausal years. Here are five essential lifestyle changes you can make to ensure your health:

Eat healthy

A healthy diet is essential for many reasons, including maintaining weight during menopause. Watching what you eat, cutting back on portion sizes, and ensuring you're getting the necessary vitamins and minerals are all beneficial to your health.

Get regular exercise

Weight gain is a real threat during menopause, so you need regular physical activity. Weight-bearing exercises are also crucial for bone and muscle health, which deteriorates as you age.

Walking, weight training, and running help you stay in shape and create more muscle and bone mass to stay healthy during and after menopause.

Practice good sleep habits

Sleep might be difficult during menopause, but you don't have to suffer through another sleepless night. Practice good sleep habits like relaxation before bedtime, less screen time, and a calm, quiet environment to capitalize on sleep quantity and quality.

Consume plenty of calcium

Calcium is essential for bone health, which deteriorates due to estrogen depletion as you approach menopause. Add more milk, yogurt, broccoli, and kale to your daily diet to get more calcium and prevent osteoporosis and broken bones.

Quit smoking

Heart disease is a significant risk as you get older, especially for post-menopausal women. Smoking is a key risk factor for heart disease for both men and women.

If you smoke, think about quitting sooner rather than later. The sooner you stop, the less likely you are to suffer from a heart attack or heart disease during and after menopause.

To schedule an appointment with Dr. Roberts to discuss hormone replacement therapy and your health, call our Plano, Texas, office today at 972-591-8540 or request a consultation via this website.

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