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8 Problems That Contribute to Your Heavy Periods

8 Problems That Contribute to Your Heavy Periods

Most women dread that time of the month when their period arrives, but it's especially true if you have heavy periods. And it's concerning if you don't usually have heavy bleeding or you're experiencing irregular menstrual bleeding.

Many issues and conditions lead to heavy periods, including infections and certain medications,  but what's causing yours?

John Paul Roberts, MD, and our team specialize in women's health, getting to the bottom of painful or heavy periods quickly and efficiently. Dr. Roberts is a board-certified OB/GYN in Plano, Texas, who offers care to women who are living with heavy bleeding and other gynecologic disorders.

What causes heavy periods?

As you know, your period is the time of the month your uterine lining sheds if you haven’t gotten pregnant. Over a few days to a week, you should notice vaginal bleeding that varies in color and flow.

For many women, their period is simply an inconvenience, but for others, it's a reason for concern. Heavy bleeding is unnerving and may be a sign of a real problem. Some of the causes of heavy-period bleeding include:

Uterine fibroids or polyps

Fibroids and polyps are noncancerous growths in the uterus that may lead to heavy bleeding. They generally don’t harm your health, but Dr. Roberts can remove them if they're behind your heavy menstrual cycles.

Intrauterine devices (IUD)

IUDs are a type of birth control that we place inside the uterus to prevent pregnancy. Hormonal IUDs are usually responsible for changes in your menstrual cycle, but copper IUDs may also lead to heavy bleeding.

Hormonal problems

Estrogen and progesterone are the main hormones responsible for regulating your period, so anything that throws them off can lead to heavy bleeding. Women with thyroid disorders or polycystic ovarian syndrome often have heavy or irregular periods.


Although not a common cause of heavy menstruation, cervical or uterine cancer can lead to sudden changes in your period, often causing heavy bleeding or long cycles.

Sexually transmitted diseases

Unprotected sex may lead to a sexually transmitted disease like chlamydia and gonorrhea, both of which lead to heavy menstrual bleeding and longer-than-normal periods.

Ectopic pregnancy

An ectopic pregnancy is when an embryo implants somewhere other than the uterus. It often occurs in the fallopian tubes, which is an emergency condition. Ectopic pregnancies can lead to significant bleeding and life-threatening complications.

Other medical conditions

Heavy period bleeding may be due to other medical conditions like kidney disease, liver problems, or pelvic inflammatory disease.

Certain medications

Even the medications you take can affect your period. Medications like aspirin and blood thinners are causes of heavy bleeding in some women.

What is too much bleeding?

Although heavy menstrual bleeding isn't always a sign of a severe medical problem, it's still an inconvenience. Any changes in bleeding or the length of your period warrant a trip to see Dr. Roberts.

But how much bleeding is a sign of a problem? Dr. Roberts offers the following guidelines on what's too much bleeding during or between your periods:

See Dr. Roberts if your periods are affecting how you live your life. Even if the cause of your heavy bleeding isn't critical, Dr. Roberts can help.

He evaluates your health and menstrual cycle history. He may order blood tests or an ultrasound to determine the cause of heavy bleeding. He then customizes a treatment plan to reduce bleeding and make your periods more comfortable.

If you're living with irregular period bleeding, don't hesitate to call our Plano, Texas, office today at 972-591-8540 or request a consultation via this website.

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